Monday, January 21, 2013

Food Journals

I'm TERRIBLE at writing in a journal!  Seriously it's no joke there is some sort of mental block I have that keeps me from maintaining them like I should.  That will become evident the longer I have this blog.  It'll go like this:  posting, posting, posting, *bam* nothing, random post, nothing, nothing...  So to counteract that my friend Kirstin and I made a bet.

The Bet
We are starting a diet challenge.  Both of us used to do sports and want to get back into shape.  We roughly have the same amount to lose so we are going to track our loses, diet and exercise in our own journals.  Once a month we are going to get together and swap journals to take a look at how the other is doing.  I have roughly 5 months left on my contract here in South Korea.  The winner is the person who loses on average the highest percentage of pounds and inches.  The winner gets to pick an activity and no matter how crazy it is the loser has to do it... Kirstin already knows what she wants to do.  If she wins we are swimming with sharks because she is a sadistic sadistic SADISTIC person...

I need to come up with my super winning activity.  I have yet to discover anything Kirstin is completely adverse to but it will come to me!!!  Ah friendship...

Anyway the problem is I am incredibly bad at keeping journals.  I am however on the computer a lot during the day at work.  So to keep myself from forgetting or not completing a day here or there I created an online journal.  I really liked the layout on this website it's very clean and simple to use.  I've tried other ones before but most of them are very cluttered and tend to spam you a lot.  Spark People for instance had a lot of great features but there was so much clutter on their website I got to the point where I hated going on it and was just tired of all the spam e-mails they were sending me.  My Fitness Pal has a very clean website.  My hope is that if I forget to update my paper journal one day I'll have updated it online and I'll be able to fill in any misses.  I'm also hoping it motivates me to cheat less!  Here's to winning and NOT SWIMMING WITH SHARKS...

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