My resolution for 2013 was to actually get healthy and make myself into a more put together individual. This is a huge goal I must admit and I'm 15 days in and already revamping my plans... Yes that obviously indicates that I didn't start off on the right foot eh? I just realized that if I wanted this to work realistically I needed to do something different. Especially today as I was eating the free pizza we had for lunch today. I'd been doing rather wellish up to this point with relatively small cheats but I definitely don't always have the willpower. I realized I needed to add an element of accountability. Even if nobody reads this but the bots in Russia no one wants to admit they ate a tub of choco ice cream on the internet right? Well that's what I'm hoping anyway.
So in a nutshell to outline my resolution:
I want to live a healthier lifestyle.
That is ambiguous right? Well that is broken down into a lot of different smaller resolutions. That way even if I fail at one today I can still succeed at the others right? When I started thinking about health and what I considered healthy I realized that it was a lifestyle that has become very different from mine. So in essence here are the goals I'm focusing on to develop a healthier lifestyle:
Diet: My diet had become atrocious. There were a lot of bad habits I developed as a working college student that I continued with over the years that are not good. Currently I'm focusing on micronutrition (These are healthy fruits and vegetables). I am not currently cutting meat out completely but I realize I need to eat a lot less of it. I bought a blender and started experimenting with recipes on which has been working phenomenally! I started with a smoothie for breakfast and lunch then ate a regular dinner. This week however I've decided to up it to 3 smoothies a day (approximately 1200-1500 calories). Monday went well, today.... well let's just insert *work lunch* here. Free pizza hit me at a weak moment... That's okay I will start again tomorrow! I've got 40 pounds of frozen fruit in my freezer, 2 quarts of soy milk and 2 quarts of vanilla soy protein so my house is well stocked for the endeavor. The only thing I keep having to go to the store relatively often for are the green vegetables that wilt fast. I've been adding Kale or Spinach to each of my shakes this last week. So far I can't believe the difference in my energy level. After one week of only doing it twice a day I found that I had way more energy and didn't constantly need a coffee pick me up.
Exercise: Ideally I'd like to work out 4-5 times a week. I've been hitting 3-4 times a week the last two weeks. I joined a neighborhood gym for the next 6 months so there is no going back! I need to get my money's worth. Unfortunately I injured my ankle in November and it has been a reoccurring issue for me so I went to a Korean traditional medicine doctor who did some acupuncture and told me to be careful do no sports and only low impact exercise on it for the next month. This has limited what I can do at the gym but I've been utilizing the bike and weights in the hopes that it'll still increase my stamina. It's always been a dream of mine to do a marathon. I am currently so far away from that goal that it seem a bit impossible but if nothing else I'd like to get into better shape and try a half marathon or a fun run. I also really enjoy climbing and Korea's national past time is hiking! It obviously would be more fun if I was in better shape. As a matter of fact I have yet to go today. After I finish my bright green smoothie I better go remedy that!
Get Organized: Yes this seems rather ambiguous! Well honestly I'd like to start with my physical self. My apartment is always abysmally disorganized and unkempt. I'd like to remedy that. I'd like to have things organized and exactly where I want them. Seriously I've already been in Korea for 6 months there is no reason why my place should look like I just moved in!
Hobbies!: I used to enjoy doing stuff! What happened here?!? I used to love studying Japanese! I'm in Korea but haven't been very dedicated to learning Korean! I used to write, read, draw, play soccer, etc. What happened? I started working and going to school and never had time. Well now there's time so why have I not done anything?!?
Well that's all for now! Obviously there are a million things I could add to that list eh? If I keep going though no matter how much I do I wouldn't be successful if the list was too long. So I'm off to finish my shake and go to the gym!
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